Sanja Lukac is a visual artist, curator, and community activator who is passionate about equity in the arts and elevating the work of emerging artists.
Her passion in the arts extends in her local community as the Visual and Media Arts Curator at Arts Commons, Canada's 3rd largest art center. She is actively involved in helping other artists thrive in the Calgary/Mohkinstsis arts ecosystem through her dedicated mentorship and in her volunteer work for the board of directors of the Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation (ICAI) and the Exposure Photography Festival.
She is also one of the founders and the Executive Director of SEITIES STUDIO a traditional photography publication + gallery, a non-profit that is dedicated to international artists who work with traditional methods of production in contemporary photography. Sanja is one of the Authors of THE STIMULANT, an Environmental Developer catalyzed to lessen the toxic effect of the Traditional Darkroom on the Environment and the Photographers Health and works with traditional analogue processes, utilizing paper, plate, polaroid, and film negatives in her contemporary practice.